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  • Cloud Application Development & Deployment

    QSolv cloud migration and deployment services can help organizations seamlessly migrate their vast historical and sensitive data to the cloud. Our cloud application development and testing services help users solve hardware, servers, software, and development and testing environment configuration and management issues during project development, testing, and management stages. It enables users to have adequate time and energy to focus on project R&D, achieving agile development and quick iterations. At the same time, the integrated automated development and testing tools can provide our clients with more direct development and testing services, further resolving the users’ specific issues on development and testing.

    Application design and development considerations

    Applications designed specifically for the platform on which they’ll run will perform better and are more resilient and easier to manage. Developing for public or private cloud platforms is no exception. QSolv understand’s exactly how to go about designing and building a cloud application architecture. This ensures a well designed application that deliver the functionality and performance that enterprises expect.

    Design the application as a collection of services

    Cloud applications are best deployed as a collection of reusable services and then combine those services into complete applications. These services can execute on physically separate machine instances that are correctly secured with appropriate governance parameters. This is essentially service-oriented architecture. Creating tightly coupled applications that focus on the user interface, rather than expose the underlying functions as services will not scale and not lend it self to feature enhancements.

    Design for performance and scaling

    Scalability and performance must be integral to application design. This includes understanding how the application will scale under an increasing load. Designing for performance involves, building a model that represents how the application behaves under an increasing load. This may include designing dynamically scaled application servers and federated databases. Network performance and scaling must also be an integral part of the design considerations.

    Ensure that security is systemic within the application

    Traditional developers focus on functionality and security become an afterthought juts before deployment. In a cloud application this will simply not suffice. Pick a security approach and technology prior to building the application that will be effective for the specific type of application. The security approach must address any compliance or other data-level security issues. In healthcare, for example, an important considerations are personally identifiable information as well as HIPAA, in the US. Data must be stored in a certain way, on clouds that are HIPAA-compliant. Moreover, the application will need to handle sensitive data in specified ways, with compliant levels of security.

    Post-Deployment Support

    QSolv is committed to offer organizations all levels of support, beyond deployment. Our dedicated support team can provide help and technical support after the migration and deployment to the cloud.

    Custom Development

    Since every organization is unique with its culture in business and process, we will closely work to create a solution that is appropriate specifically for the organization and the application that is being considered.